Hi! I'm Daniel.
I'm a designer (researcher, developer) on a mission to create digital tools that empower individuals and communities.
Interested in nurturing good habits (#rituals), keeping a #second-brain and building new internet(s).
No matter what I do or which hat I wear - I am always a community organizer. That is the most truthful way to describe my ambitions in every pursuit.
Now:- living in Frederick, Maryland, USA
- studying design at AGD1 (also called AGDX), part of FaVU, Brno University of Technology
- building a school community radio station called flus.fm
- organising OPEN JAM SESSIONS and making sounds as pure fucking fun
- reasearching recipes and intuitive cooking in the cookbook project
- reading Design for the Real World by Victor Papanek
- swimming in lakes, even if they're cold
- reflecting my relationship to technology (especially my phone)
- journaling and writing
- excited to meet like-minded people and collaborate