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I made a skin for

I've started playing around with the Boost feature of Arc Browser. Here's an invite if you haven't tried Arc yet.

Boosts offer the ability to customise a page by changing its colours, fonts, and even hiding specific sections. If you have web coding knowledge, you can go a step further and write custom CSS and JavaScript. However, Boosts containing JavaScript cannot be shared with others.

This post serves as a gallery of my favorite Boosts, including the ones I've created. To try out a Boost, simply click on its name, which will be highlighted in blue.

green pea skin #

My personal pea flavoured skin for

green pea skin screenshot

No YouTube Shorts Please #

Simple as that. Improves YouTube by 100%.

I also recommend using the Chromium extension Rabbit Hole for YouTube for disabling algorithmic recommendations.

youtube without disctractions screenshot

Simplegram + DMs #

Brings back that long-gone original Instagram vibe.

I remixed the beautiful Siplegram boost by Ellis Hamburger by bringing back DMs, as this is the only feature of IG I use daily. After some actual use, I've decided to bring back the Create button aswell, to allow posting from my computer.

simplegram + dms screenshot